
Was man nicht selbst macht, wird früher oder später zum Problem. So auch das Hosting des eigenen Newsfeeds - anstatt es dem Googleservice "Feedburner" anzuvertrauen.

Feedburner war einmal.

Google doesn’t care about you, your site or your readers. Back in July, they failed to renew Feedburner’s Japanese site — feedburner.jp. The result? Every single feed published through feedburner.jp immediately went dark. No more updates, no way to export subscriber lists, no warning — and no apology.

So they screwed their users with their pants on… I get it. What can I do? First and foremost, you can take back ownership of your identity. If you really care about the long term future of your site and your readership, you have to own your RSS feed — and that means locating it at a URL that you control (i.e., yourdomain.com/feed/).

Ab jetzt nur noch mkln.org/feed/.

Aktualisierung am 30. Januar 2023: Auch quitfeedburner.com war einmal. Hier ein Link zum Web-Archiv der Website.