Geht es beim Unterrichten ums Anleiten oder ums Selektieren?

Theorien, die den Unterricht als vom Lehrer ausgehenden Wissenstransfer durch Anleitung ansehen, sind de facto irrelevant geworden. Umgekehrt jedoch scheint die quasi-emotionale Bindung zwischen Schüler und Lehrer der entscheidende Moment des Wissenstransfers zu sein, in dem der Schüler durch Selektion der vom Lehrer zur Verfügung gestellten Materialien und Aktivitäten lernt.

This is a theory of teaching that is based on the inter-subjective relationship between teacher and learner. This theory posits that teaching does not, as is commonly assumed, take place via instruction from teacher to students, but rather through a process of selection in the learner’s brain, stimulated by materials and activities utilized by the teacher. In this theory, the mechanism that drives the selection process in learners’ brains is co-regulated emotional signaling between teacher and learner. From this perspective, the power of formative assessment is that it intrinsically carries with it emotional aspects for both learner and teacher, in that it provides a feedback relationship between them both, and so […] promotes cognitive development.

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