SBF in 7 Fällen schuldig

Sam Bankman-Fried wurde in allen 7 Anklagepunkten schuldig gesprochen. Ein konkretes Strafausmaß wird für März erwartet. Auf der einen Seite gilt, ja, gut, das System hat funktioniert, denn was hier ganz offensichtlich passiert ist, gehört bestraft.

A jury has found Sam Bankman-Fried guilty of all seven criminal counts against him. The FTX founder faces a maximum sentence of 115 years in prison. […] Bankman-Fried, the 31-year old son of two Stanford legal scholars and graduate of Massachusetts Institute of Technology, was convicted of wire fraud and conspiracy to commit wire fraud against FTX customers and against Alameda Research lenders, conspiracy to commit securities fraud and conspiracy to commit commodities fraud against FTX investors, and conspiracy to commit money laundering.


Auf der anderen Seite ist Sam Bankman-Fried ein junger Mann von gerade mal 31 Jahren. Elizabeth Lopato (von The Verge) hat sich seine und vor allem die Reaktionen seiner Eltern angesehen, die nun davon ausgehen müssen, ihren Sohn nie wieder in Freiheit zu sehen.

I have been wondering since opening statements why Bankman-Fried didn’t simply plead guilty. Sure, he might not get a deal like his co-conspirators […] but pleading guilty, showing himself to be sorry, and throwing himself on the mercy of a sentencing judge — well, it could have played. […] I suppose it’s possible that Bankman-Fried is delusional enough to believe himself innocent, to think he did nothing wrong, and to think a jury would agree with him.

Bankman and Fried have been vocal in their son’s defense, as I assume any loving parent would be. I suppose it would be easy to demonize them — but what parent wants to believe that their child is engaged in large-scale fraud? They probably still remember him as a toddler. […] Depending on how sentencing goes — it is scheduled for March — it’s possible both Fried and Bankman will die while their son is in jail; they are certainly in the autumn of their lives. There was more than Bankman-Fried’s freedom at stake in that courtroom.

The Verge


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