Die New York Times hat seit 1959 an Fidel Castros Nachruf geschrieben. Der Artikel über den Nachruf gibt einen guten Einblick in die Erwartungshaltungen der Journalisten und den technologischen Fortschritt, dem die New York Times (und damit jedes Verlagshaus) ausgesetzt war.
Shreeya Sinha:
The development of the Castro obituary is as legendary as the man himself. Countless colleagues — spanning many different technologies and platforms — have massaged it and passed the baton. Each of the many death scares gave us the opportunity to dust off the package and reassess our digital strategy based on ever-changing audience consumption habits and storytelling tools.
Hamilton Boardman:
One piece that didn’t make it into this weekend’s digital coverage was a four-part, 20-plus-minute-long audio slide show on Mr. Castro’s life. […] With over 80 photos and several audio files, the slide show was managed with a custom-made program called “configurator” that lived on a single, aging Macintosh in a windowless room on the ninth floor of the Times building. […] Though much of the material appeared in other forms in our coverage of Mr. Castro’s death over the weekend, the audio slide show was itself lost to history sometime around 2009 when that old Macintosh was decommissioned.