Sieh einer an! Wer nur 6 Stunden (statt der empfohlenen 8) schläft, wird unkonzentrierter und kann weniger leisten, bildet sich aber ein, konzentriert und leistungsfähig zu sein!
The subjects who were restricted to a maximum of six hours of sleep per night showed cognitive performance that was as bad as the people who weren’t allowed to sleep at all. Getting only six hours of shut-eye was as bad as not sleeping for two days straight. […] One of the most alarming results […] is that the six-hour sleep group didn’t rate their sleepiness as being all that bad, even as their cognitive performance was going downhill. […] Those findings raise the question about how people cope when they get insufficient sleep, perhaps suggesting that they’re in denial (willful or otherwise) about their present state.
Der humoristische Schlusssatz zu diesem Eintrag wäre: Kaffee. Der ernste: Wir schlafen zu wenig. Und jede Arbeitsmoral wird irrelevant, wenn die Gesundheit unter dem Schlafentzug leidet. Auch wenn wir es uns nicht eingestehen wollen.