Adobe wurden deutlich mehr Benutzerdaten gestohlen als anfänglich geglaubt. In Zahlen: Zuerst sollen 2,9 Millionen Kunden vom Hack betroffen gewesen sein, nun sind es mindestens 38 Millionen.
At the time, a massive trove of stolen Adobe account data […] indicated that — in addition to the credit card records – tens of millions of user accounts across various Adobe online properties may have been compromised in the break-in. It was difficult to fully examine many of the files on the hackers’ server that housed the stolen source because many of the directories were password protected, and Adobe was reluctant to speculate on the number of users potentially impacted.
But just this past weekend, posted a huge file called “users.tar.gz” that appears to include more than 150 million username and hashed password pairs taken from Adobe.
Moment. Nicht 2,9 oder 38, sondern nun plötzlich 150 Millionen Benutzer(namen)?