Facebooks Privacy Policy 2005 vs. April 2010

Die Electronic Frontier Foundation hat eine Zusammenstellung der verschiedenen Datenschutzhinweise von Facebook zwischen 2005 und 2010. Der krasseste Unterschied ist (natürlich) zwischen dem ersten von 2005 und dem letzten von April 2010 zu sehen.


No personal information that you submit to Thefacebook will be available to any user of the Web Site who does not belong to at least one of the groups specified by you in your privacy settings.


When you connect with an application or website it will have access to General Information about you. The term General Information includes your and your friends‘ names, profile pictures, gender, user IDs, connections, and any content shared using the Everyone privacy setting. … The default privacy setting for certain types of information you post on Facebook is set to „everyone.“ … Because it takes two to connect, your privacy settings only control who can see the connection on your profile page. If you are uncomfortable with the connection being publicly available, you should consider removing (or not making) the connection.