Das als sozial getarnte Werbenetzwerk holt sich nun Daten über seine User auch von den Like-Buttons, die auf nahezu jeder Website zu finden sind.
Historically, interest-based targeting on [Facebook] hinged on users‘ own declarations of their likes and interests in their profiles, as well as Facebook pages they had „liked“ […] Now, Facebook is using the passive data — where users go on their PCs and phones — to make its own ads smarter. […] a Facebook user can be recognized on sites where the [Like-] button is encoded, whether they „like“ something or not.
Im gleichen Atemzug hat Facebook seine „Datenschutzeinstellungen“ überarbeitet.
Now users who click or tap on the drop-down menu on a Facebook ad and select „Why am I seeing this ad?“ will be taken to a brief explanation for why that ad was shown to them. […] From every ad, users can also steer themselves to an „ads preferences“ settings page, where they can tell Facebook not to show them ads based on their inferred affinity for certain categories. Conversely, they can also select categories they are interested in.
Mittlerweile ist es also Datenschutz, wenn ich mir aussuchen kann, welche Werbung ich sehe. Widerlich. Genau aus diesem Grund sollte jede Userin und jeder User Tracking technisch einschränken.