Rund 600 Euro hat der Gastrokritiker Jay Rayner im Nobelrestaurant „Le Cinq“ in Paris für ein Abendessen bezahlt, doch geschmeckt hat es ihm gar nicht. Und das hat er in einer der härtesten Restaurantkritiken (im Guardian) kundgetan, die ich je gelesen habe.
The canapé we are instructed to eat first is a transparent ball on a spoon. It looks like a Barbie-sized silicone breast implant, and is a “spherification”, a gel globe […]. This one pops in our mouth to release stale air with a tinge of ginger. My companion winces. “It’s like eating a condom that’s been left lying about in a dusty greengrocer’s,” she says. Spherifications of various kinds – bursting, popping, deflating, always ill-advised – turn up on many dishes. It’s their trick, their shtick, their big idea. It’s all they have. Another canapé, tuile enclosing scallop mush, introduces us to the kitchen’s love of acidity. Not bright, light aromatic acidity of the sort provided by, say, yuzu. This is blunt acidity of the sort that polishes up dulled brass coins.
The Guardian
Der gesamte Artikel ist den Spaß der Lektüre wert, die zusätzlichen Anmerkungen zu den im Artikel genutzten Fotos auf Jay Rayners Blog ebenso, denn das Le Cinque hat auf speziell dafür angefertigten Pressefotos bestanden:
Le Cinq would not let us photograph their food, as we usually do after I’ve reviewed, and insisted that we use press shots. This is extremely unusual. However, I did take pictures during the meal, on an iPhone 7 using the available light. And that makes things a little clearer, as you can see.
Auf die Reaktion des Le Cinq bin ich gespannt, sofern dies überhaupt geschieht.