Das ging ja schnell. Gerade wurde die Möglichkeit in Google Chrome, Passwörter im Klartext anzusehen, angeprangert, schon ist die – etwas eigenartige – Antwort des Google Chrome Browser Security Tech Lead Justin Schuh da.
The only strong permission boundary for your password storage is the OS user account. So, Chrome uses whatever encrypted storage the system provides to keep your passwords safe for a locked account. Beyond that, however, we’ve found that boundaries within the OS user account just aren’t reliable, and are mostly just theater.
Moment. Da gibt es noch ganz andere Sätze wie Justin Schuhs Antwort auf die Kritik des Autors direkt:
what you’re proposing is that that we make users less safe than they are today by providing them a false sense of security and encouraging dangerous behavior.
Okay. Ganzen Eintrag lesen!