Erinnert sich noch jemand an die Nachricht, Microsofts Edge-Browser würde zukünftig auf Chromium setzen? Nun, Google scheint da seine Finger kräftig im Spiel gehabt zu haben, in dem es sein Angebot (hier am Beispiel YouTube) gegen die alternativen Browser genutzt hat.
I very recently worked on the Edge team, and one of the reasons we decided to end EdgeHTML was because Google kept making changes to its sites that broke other browsers, and we couldn’t keep up. For example, they recently added a hidden empty div over YouTube videos that causes our hardware acceleration fast-path to bail […] Prior to that, our fairly state-of-the-art video acceleration put us well ahead of Chrome on video playback time on battery, but almost the instant they broke things on YouTube, they started advertising Chrome’s dominance over Edge on video-watching battery life. What makes it so sad, is that their claimed dominance was not due to ingenious optimization work by Chrome, but due to a failure of YouTube. On the whole, they only made the web slower.
Hacker News
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