Tom Goodwin bringt in drei Tweets auf den Punkt, wofür es ganze Lehrgänge gibt.
I, like everyone on the planet, have clicked on an ad maybe twice ever. And I buy a tonne of stuff & more expensive stuff, because of the Brand. When will this deeply stupid entire industry get this & make decent ads on the newer screens. […] Either make delightful ads that seduce in ways we’ve only ever dreamed of using the delights of high resolution, beautifully glistening images, parallel effect etc. Or/and after, turn my current interest and impulse thirst into something I can buy from with at best 2 wonderful clicks.
„Find out more“ or „Visit our website“ is to show only interest in data capture and to ignore everything sensible.
Tom Goodwin, Twitter
Womit er recht hat, hat er recht! (Wobei ich eine ganz eigene Empfehlung zum Thema Onlinewerbung habe.)