Facebook plant eine eigene Smartwatch.
The idea is to encourage owners of the watch to use it in ways that smartphones are used now. It’s part of Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg’s plan to build more consumer devices that circumvent Apple and Google, the two dominant mobile phone platform creators that largely control Facebook’s ability to reach people. […] That dynamic could create an uphill battle for Facebook to convince people to buy its forthcoming Apple Watch competitor, especially since it plans to also position the watch as a fitness device with a heart rate monitor.
Facebook plans first smartwatch for next summer with two cameras, heart rate monitor
Herzfrequenz, GPS, Kameras… und das alles kontinuierlich am Armband… und Facebook, eine Datenkrake der besonderen Art… ein Schelm, wer hier Böses denkt? Oder doch eher ein Produktmanager?