Der in Australien registrierte Emailservice FastMail leidet offenbar unter dem Serverstandort USA.
It has been pointed out to us that since we have our servers in the US, we are under US jurisdiction. We do not believe this to be the case. We do not have a legal presence in the US, no company incorporated in the US, no staff in the US, and no one in the US with login access to any servers located in the US. Even if a US court were to serve us with a court order, subpoena or other instruction to hand over user data, Australian communications and privacy law explicitly forbids us from doing so. […] There are of course other avenues available to obtain your data. Our colocation providers could be compelled to give physical access to our servers. Network capturing devices could be installed. And in the worst case an attacker could simply force their way into the datacentre and physically remove our servers.
Ich habe den Beitrag zweimal gelesen und weiß bis jetzt nicht, ob ich ihn als Warnung oder als Versuch zur Beruhigung lesen soll.