Vor 16 Jahren kündigte Google den Google Reader an. Es war eine gute Zeit.
Today Google announced a web-based feed reader […]. Google Reader makes it easy to find and subscribe to online feeds to help users organize and stay up-to-date on the ever-increasing amount of web information they consume on a daily basis.
The product features a clean, easy-to-use interface and includes a comprehensive feed finder, multi-media feed displays, and algorithms that can assist users with automatic content prioritization, plus easy sharing capabilities with email and „blog this“ features.
Google News vom 7. Oktober 2005
Und gestern taucht dann diese Nachricht im Chromium-Blog auf:
We’re exploring how to simplify the experience of getting the latest and greatest from your favorite sites directly in Chrome, building on the open RSS web standard. Our vision is to help people build a direct connection with their favorite publishers and creators on the web.
In the coming weeks, some Android users in the US on Chrome Canary may see an experimental Follow feature designed to help people get the latest content from sites they follow. Our goal for this feature is to allow people to follow the websites they care about, from the large publishers to the small neighborhood blogs, by tapping a Follow button in Chrome. When websites publish content, users can see updates from sites they have followed in a new Following section on the New Tab page.
Chromium Blog vom 19. Mai 2021
RSS lebt, scheint es. Und es tut gut zu sehen, dass ein so altes Konzept, verpackt in einer offenen Technologie, nach wie vor guten Nutzen findet.