Googles Suchergebnisse scheinen unter minderer Qualität zu leiden.
Google’s results might be as good as ever. They might even be better than ever. But if the public perception is that Google has a search quality problem, that wins, because we don’t have any hard figures about relevancy.
Danny Sullivan listet in einem ausführlichen Artikel auf Searchengine Land die vielen Probleme, mit denen Google zu kämpfen hat, auf, und ruft in seiner Conclusio zu kritischem Denken auf.
We should continue to hold Google and search engines to a high standard and highlight where things clearly go wrong. But we should also understand that perfection isn’t going to be possible. That with imperfect search engines, we need to employ more human critical thinking skills alongside the searches we do — and that we teach those to generations to come.
Life itself rarely has “one true answer” to anything. Expecting Google or any search engine to give them is a mistake.
Es scheint also doch noch ein wenig Hoffnung in den menschlichen Intellekt gelegt zu werden.