Und die Versprechung billigen Taxifahrens bringt ein neues Opfer. Die neue Version der Uber App zeichnet Ortsdaten länger auf als geglaubt.
Previously, Uber only collected location information while a user had the app open – now, Uber asks users to always share their location with the ride-hailing company. […] Uber says that, even though it can harvest your location constantly while its app is running in the background on your phone, it won’t use that capability. […] Specifically, Uber wants access to a rider’s location from the moment she requests a ride until five minutes after the driver drops her off, even if the app is not in the foreground of her phone. Previously, Uber would not collect a rider’s background location during the trip, or her location after drop-off.
Wieder einmal müssen die Konsumenten darauf vertrauen, dass das alles auch wirklich so ist, wie der übermächtige Konzern sagt.
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