Eine hochspannende Frage mit momentan nur 4 Antwortmöglichkeiten: Welche Kriterien sollen für die Wahl der Gerichtsbarkeit von Nutzerdaten gelten? Der Ort, an dem die Daten gespeichert werden…
It means that US law enforcement doesn’t get a shortcut to the world’s data just because US companies dominate much of the internet. Instead, US law enforcement must use the Mutual Legal Assistance Treaty (MLAT) process or other methods of international cooperation if the data is hosted abroad, which feels reassuringly respectful of international borders and principles of sovereignty. […] However, if you’re a vulnerable user in an undemocratic regime, this may not be such an attractive option. […] Moreover, data is increasingly stored across multiple jurisdictions and moves quickly between them. […] For some companies, it may even be difficult to determine where the data is located.
…der Ort, an dem sich der User befindet…
Something feels right about users being governed by their own countries’ laws because that’s how it’s traditionally been done. […] this could have the benefit of ensuring that users in countries with strong data protection and human rights laws receive the protection of their own countries’ regimes even when they’re using a foreign online product. […] However, companies with a very international user base could find themselves in a nightmarishly complicated situation of having to comply with 193 countries’ legal systems and apply the correct laws to each user wherever that user happened to be. There are also difficulties in identifying where a user is at any given time.
…der Ort, an dem sich die Zentrale des Diensteanbieters befindet…
[This approach] has the advantage of being simple to understand, and ensures that there is at least a baseline level of legal protections (albeit a US-centric baseline). However, this approach risks entrenching the dominance of US laws and US values over an international space.
…oder der Ort, der in den Nutzungsbedingungen angegeben ist?
Being able to specify jurisdiction through the terms of service […] gives a level of user consent and empowerment over their data choices. However, it is doubtful how many users read and understand the terms of service for every online service they access.