Patrick Redford spart in seinem Artikel über den Tesla Cybertruck nicht mit unschönen Worten. Der Titel des Artikels, in dem ein Problem nach dem anderen aufgezählt wird, lautet: Cybertruck deliveries halted due to car being a big piece of shit that doesn’t work.
Tesla […] had to stop delivering Cybertrucks this past weekend. No, not because the hundred-thousand–dollar medium-duty pickup […] tends to brick when it gets rained on; nor because its stainless steel panels get all rusty and nasty-looking after weeks exposed to the rare, harsh condition of „being outside.“ […] Rather, the cause of this snag is that the trucks struggle with the basics of stopping and going, by which I mean that the accelerator pedal cover slides off and gets stuck under a panel and locks the accelerator pressed down and keeps the Cybertruck stuck at maximum velocity.
Patrick Redford
Wenn ich mir vergegenwärtige, was sich so in den sozialen Medien abspielt, dann glaube ich, dass der Cybertruck ein Schuss ins eigene Knie war, der die Marke Tesla endgültig entzaubert hat.