Marktanteile schmieden Allianzen. WordPress geht auf die 30% Marktanteil zu, Google schickt Entwickler, um WordPress zu beschleunigen.
Google […] kicked off a concerted effort aimed […] to accelerate the adoption of modern web technologies and coding best practices in the WordPress ecosystem. Early on in this effort we realized that the way to go is engaging with the WordPress ecosystem, in the same way that we engage with any ecosystem in the web: bringing our voice and our receptiveness to the WordPress table, and finding solutions to every requirement with joint efforts. […] We spent two dense days talking nonstop about performance; looking at data showing performance gaps between WordPress and the broader web; telling about the capabilities and data sets available for all to start gaining a deeper understanding of performance at all levels; looking at detailed performance of many WordPress sites owned by the attendees using essential performance analysis tools such as WebPageTest and Lighthouse; and our XWP colleagues showcased and demoed Tide, an audit tool enabling everyone to check the analysis results for 40K+ audited plugins.
Ich habe keine Ahnung, ob die Entscheidung seitens WordPress, das von Google entwickelte AMP-Format bereitwillig zu unterstützen, irgendwas mit den freundlichen Beziehungen, die beide nun pflegen, zu tun hat.