Internetzensur in westlichen Ländern

Wer bis heute noch nicht davon gelesen hat, dass Internet-Zensurmaßnahmen und Content-Filter nicht nur bei den üblichen Verdächtigen (China, Nordkorea, Iran, Vietnam, …), sondern auch in westlichen Staaten angewendet werden, der kann das in einer Zusammenfassung von Lucie Morillon (Report ohne Grenzen) im Artikel Web 2.0 versus Control 2.0 jetzt tun.

Western democracies are not immune from the Net regulation trend. In the name of the fight against child pornography or the theft of intellectual property, laws and decrees have been adopted, or are being deliberated, notably in Australia, France, Italy and Great Britain. On a global scale, the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA), whose aim is to fight counterfeiting, is being negotiated behind closed doors, without consulting NGOs and civil society. It could possibly introduce potentially liberticidal measures such as the option to implement a filtering system without a court decision.