Joost de Valk, der vor kurzem erst Chief Marketing Officer bei Automattic wurde, wirft das Handtuch, verlässt die Firma wieder und kehrt zurück zu Yoast (yeah!). Die Andeutungen, die er in seinem Blogpost, in dem er diesen Schritt erklärt, macht – meine Güte, ist dieses Posting vorsichtig formuliert -, lassen auf gröbere Probleme in der Entscheidungsfindung und Konsolidierung bei WordPress bzw. Automattic schließen.
Even things that every outsider would consider marketing (release posts, about pages) are created without even so much as talking to me or others in the marketing team. Because I felt left out of all these decisions, I feel I can’t be a marketing lead.
Und nicht viel weiter:
I’ve not encountered (or been brought into) any discussions about our product vision […] I was expecting there to be some backchannels where these discussions were had and these decisions were made, turns out these simply don’t exist. Matt takes his input from core devchats and lots of other chats and then decides what the roadmap should look like. I honestly think that process needs opening up, even though I do appreciate that Matt has so far been pretty good at bringing the product forward.
Joost de Valk
Das ganze WordPress-Projekt hängt also am Outcome eines Chats? Das erklärt einiges.