Schneidet es heraus!

Kim Simon versucht in einem Huffington Post-Artikel zu argumentieren, warum Kaiserschnitt und Vaginalgeburt dasselbe sind:

Yes, babies are „supposed“ to be born through the appropriate exit door. […] Not every woman who has a C-section „needs“ one, regardless of what your definition of „needs“ is. Yes, we should trust our bodies. Yes, we were born to do this. [But] If after all of that, you have a C-section, or (gasp) just want a C-section… You are not broken. […] You’re in charge. […] One of the biggest myths about birth is that the doctors are in charge. They’re not. You are. […] You have the right to control as much of your birth as you want to.

Die Antwort der Soziologin Theresa Morris, die zur auffällig hohen Anwendung des Kaiserschnitts in den USA geforscht hat, fällt klar aus. Kaiserschnitt und Vaginalgeburt sind nicht dasselbe:

I have conducted research on the high U.S. C-section rate in the U.S., and I can say unequivocally that giving birth by C-Section and giving birth vaginally are not the same for babies or for moms. […] “You’re in charge,” really shows the illusion of the blog’s argument. […] Doctors and nurses are bound by strict protocols that determine how women will be treated. […] In other words, women are not in control […] 91 percent of women in the U.S. who give birth following a C-section have a repeat C-section, even though as many as half would like to have a vaginal birth. Why? This happens because hospitals and providers deny women a chance to have a vaginal birth and condemn them to another C-section. […] This can even approach a legal mandate. When women refuse a doctor’s recommendation to have a C-section, doctors sometimes bring in lawyers and judges, and women are court ordered to have C-sections. […] These women were not in charge of their births.

Es gibt nicht viel Spannenderes als das Aufeinanderprallen von Wahrnehmung und Wissen. Vor allem, wenn es um als natürlich wahrgenommene Entscheidungen und Handlungen geht.