Bewegung an sich, aber Tanzen ganz besonders, scheint gegen Depressionen zu helfen. Aus der Conclusio:
Exercise is an effective treatment for depression, with walking or jogging, yoga, and strength training more effective than other exercises, particularly when intense. Yoga and strength training were well tolerated compared with other treatments. Exercise appeared equally effective for people with and without comorbidities and with different baseline levels of depression. […] These forms of exercise could be considered alongside psychotherapy and antidepressants as core treatments for depression.
Noetel, Michael et al. “Effect of exercise for depression: systematic review and network meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials.”
Zurecht fragt ihr euch jetzt, wo das mit dem Tanzen herkommt, wo es doch in der Conclusio nicht explizit genannt wird? Das Tanzen findet man, weit den anderen Sportarten vorgereiht, zum Beispiel in dieser Grafik.
Ich habe hier ein bisschen was zum Thema Tanzen.