Kein Tag ohne neue und unschöne Nachrichten von Uber. Gestern hat Will Evans einen Beitrag auf Reveal (dem „Center for Investigative Reporting“) veröffentlicht, in dem er Uber schwere Datenschutzvergehen vorwirft. Zentrales Element der Vorwürfe ist: Uber scheint praktisch alle Datenschutzrichtlinien, auch seine eigenen, zu ignorieren.
Internal Uber employees helped ex-boyfriends stalk their ex-girlfriends and searched for the trip information of celebrities such as Beyoncé, the company’s former forensic investigator said. “Uber’s lack of security regarding its customer data was resulting in Uber employees being able to track high profile politicians, celebrities, and even personal acquaintances of Uber employees […] After news broke two years ago that executives were using the company’s “God View” feature to track customers in real time without their permission, Uber insisted it had strict policies that prohibited employees from accessing users’ trip information with limited exceptions.
But five former Uber security professionals told Reveal from The Center for Investigative Reporting that the company continued to allow broad access even after those assurances. Thousands of employees throughout the company, they said, could get details of where and when each customer travels.
Wenn ich mir in Erinnerung rufe, dass Uber Ortsdaten auch noch bis 5 Minuten nach der Fahrt aufzeichnet, dann wird das alles plötzlich noch interessanter.