Wie man den Traffic seines Blogs erhöht

Das renommierte seomoz gibt 21 Tipps, wie man den Traffic auf seinem Blog erhöhen kann. Neben den üblichen Hinweisen („Wähle die richtiges Blog-Software“, „Benutze eine eigene Domain“, …) gibt es auch Tipps, die etwas komplizierter umzusetzen sind, weil sie direkt auf den Zugang des Menschen hinter einem Blog zielen.

Charisma is a valuable quality, both online and off. Through a blog, it’s most often judged by the voice you present to your users. People like empathy, compassion, authority and honesty. Keep these in the forefront of your mind when writing and you’ll be in a good position to succeed. It’s also critical that you maintain a level of humility in your blogging and stick to your roots. When users start to feel that a blog is taking itself too seriously or losing the characteristics that made it unique, they start to seek new places for content. We’ve certainly made mistakes (even recently) that have cost us some fans – be cautious to control not only what you say, but how you say it. Lastly – if there’s a hot button issue that has you posting emotionally, temper it by letting the post sit in draft mode for an hour or two, re-reading it and considering any revisions. With the advent of feeds, once you publish, there’s no going back.