Twitter hat Twitterrific mit der Sperre des API-Zugangs gekillt. Was am 15. Januar 2007 hoffnungsvoll angekündigt wurde…
Today, we are pleased to announce the release of a brand new software product – Twitterrific. […] Twitter is a social networking web service that lets you stay in touch with friends, family or even the public at large thanks to short posts or “tweets” that describe what you are doing at any given moment. The concept is simple, strangely addictive and fun through and through. Tell friends, colleagues or strangers what you are snacking on, your current interests, favorite websites or just plain goofy nonsense!
Introducing Twitterrific!
…fand am 19. Januar 2023, nach 16 Jahren Entwickklung, etlichen Iterationen an User Interfaces und Experiences später, sein bitteres Ende.
Twitterrific has been discontinued.
A sentence that none of us wanted to write, but have long felt would need to be written someday. We didn’t expect to be writing it so soon, though, and certainly not without having had time to notify you that it was coming. We are sorry to say that the app’s sudden and undignified demise is due to an unannounced and undocumented policy change by an increasingly capricious Twitter – a Twitter that we no longer recognize as trustworthy nor want to work with any longer.
Twitterrific: End of an Era
Das Bittere am bitteren Ende ist nun übrigens auch bestätigt: Twitter hat Tweetbot und Twitterrific den Zugang zur Schnittstelle gesperrt, weil die beiden Apps gegen „long-standing API rules“ verstoßen hätten, wie aus einem Tweet des Developer Teams hervorgeht. Diese Regel verbietet es…
[to] use or access the Licensed Materials to create or attempt to create a substitute or similar service or product to the Twitter Applications
Twitter Developer Agreement
Die Zugänge von Tweetbot und Twitterrific wurden am 12. Januar 2023 gekappt, die Begründung dafür am 17. Januar 2023 veröffentlicht. Andy Baio hat herausgefunden, dass die angeblichen „long-standing API rules“, von denen im Tweet die Rede ist, am 19. Januar 2023 eingeführt wurden, wie dieser Vergleich beweist. John Gruber hat einen Schluss gezogen, dem ich vollinhaltlich beipflichte: „If there was some way they could show even less respect for third-party client developers and users, they found it.“