Anna Louie Sussman in der New York Times über das Problem von Frauen, halbwegs taugliche (!) Männer zu finden, um heiraten und eine Familie gründen zu können1.
For as long as people have been promoting marriage, they have also been observing that a good man is hard to find. […] But what was once dismissed as the complaint of picky women is now supported by a raft of data. The same pundits plugging marriage also bemoan the crisis among men and boys, what has come to be known as male drift — men turning away from college, dropping out of the work force or failing to look after their health. […] But even this nod ignores the qualitative aspect of the dating experience — the part that’s hard to cover in surveys or address with policy. Daniel Cox […] recently surveyed more than 5,000 Americans about dating and relationships, found that nearly half of college-educated women said they were single because they had trouble finding someone who meets their expectations, versus one-third of men. […] For a variety of reasons […] it seems that by the time men begin dating, they are relatively “limited in their ability and willingness to be fully emotionally present and available,” he said.
NY Times
Der Gastbeitrag in der New York Times reiht sich nahtlos und mit den gleichen Argumenten in die immer länger werdende Liste von Beschwerden über das unreife, fast schon kindliche Verhalten von Single-Männern, die als nicht heiratsfähig gelten und viel Arbeit vor sich haben, um für Frauen – und für sich selbst und ihre Freundschaften ebenso – als Partner in einer stabilen Beziehung halbwegs attraktiv zu werden.
- Wobei man dazusagen muss, dass
einigeetliche der zitierten und interviewten Frauen bereits Kinder haben und die Ehe, um die es ihnen geht, die zweite wäre. ↩︎