US-Amerikanische Sportlerinnen und Sportler entdecken, dass es im Olympischen Dorf die Möglichkeit kostenloser Gesundheitsversorgung gibt – und holen sich, was sie zuhause wohl doch einiges kosten würde.
Ariana Ramsey won an Olympic bronze medal with the U.S. women’s rugby team here last week. A few days later, something almost as exciting happened: She got a pap smear. For free. […] Ramsey made appointments with the Village gynecologist, dentist and ophthalmologist. […] The Village also offers cardiology, orthopedics, physiotherapy, psychology, podiatry and, of course, sports medicine—all at no cost to the athletes. […] All this means that athletes are beginning to adjust their plans after competition is over. Instead of going to Disneyland, skateboarder Steven Piñeiro, representing Puerto Rico, says, “I’m gonna go to the dentist.”
Sports Illustrated
In der US-Diktion ist das jetzt Kommunismus, oder?! Oder eben The Hunger Games.