Kottke macht Pause

Jason Kottke, der seit 24 Jahren seinen Blog betreibt, macht Pause.

Jason Kottke, der 1998 zu bloggen begonnen, 2005 seinen Blog zum Vollzeitjob gemacht und das Format für uns alle über 20 Jahre lang kontinuierlich belebt hat, macht nach nunmehr 24 Jahren eine Pause.

My plant is not ok. And neither am I […] I’m burrrrned out. I have been for a few years now. I’ve been trying to power through it, but if you’ve read anything about burnout, you know that approach doesn’t work. […] If you were to go back into the archive for the past several months and read the site closely, you’d see that I’ve been struggling.

Does what I do here make a difference in other people’s lives? In my life? […] And if not, what needs to change? Where does kottke.org end and Jason begin? Who am I without my work? Is the validation I get from the site healthy? […] I’ve tried thinking about these and many other questions while continuing my work here, but I haven’t made much progress; I need time away to gain perspective.

Jason Kottke

Jason Kottke plant eine etwa halbjährige Pause und in diesem Sabbatical – so nennt man das jetzt – will er tun, was die meisten tun, wenn sie sich des Lebens besinnen:

I’d like to spend some unrushed time with my kids, who too often see me when I’m stressed out about work. I want to read more books. Watch more good movies. Take more photos. Go on pointless adventures. I want to exercise a little more regularly and figure out how to eat a bit better. Maybe travel some, visit friends or the ocean or both. Bike more. Stare at the walls. I hope to get a little bored. I need to tend to my fiddle leaf fig tree — if my tree is ok, I will be too.

Es ist nur allzu nachvollziehbar, was Jason Kottke sich vornimmt. Und es ist – „I’ve been writing here for more than 24 years, nearly half my life — I need a breather“ – mehr als verständlich. Ich wünsche ihm eine gute Zeit, und hoffe, das er ein wenig dem Feuer entkommen kann, in dem wir alle verbrennen.

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